1. Are you aware that there is only one Muslim governor in the whole southern Nigeria, Gov. Oyetola of Osun out of 17 states?
2. Are you equally aware that there are only three Muslim Deputy Govs. in the whole of southern Nigeria?
3. In the North, there are four Christian Governors out of 19 states.
4. Eight Christian deputy Governors out of 19 states.
5. Are you aware there are 20 Christian Governors and only 16 Muslim Governors in Nigeria?
6. Do you know that there are 23 Christian Deputy Governors and 13 Muslim Deputy Governors in Nigeria?
Despite this, ‘CAN’ is still shouting Islamization agenda. On the contrary, Muslims are not shouting Christianization agenda of the South because Muslims will not heat up the politics or disturb the relative but fragile peace Nigerians are enjoying.
Talking of religious balancing.. Check these facts
*Facts On Religious Balancing Of Joint Electoral Tickets in Nigeria*
*Fact 1:*
Total States in Nigeria – 36
Christian Governors – 20 (56%)
Muslim Governors – 16 (44%).
*Fact 2:*
Total States in Nigeria – 36
Christian Dep Govs – 22 (61%)
Muslim Dep Govs – 14 (39%)
*Fact 3:*
Total States in the South – 17
Christian Governors – 16 (94%)
Muslim Governors – 1 (6%)
*Fact 4:*
Total States in the North – 19
Christian Governors – 4 (21%)
Muslim Governors – 15 (79%)
*Fact 5:*
Total States in the South – 17
Christian Dep Govs – 14 (82%)
Muslim Dep Govs – 3 (18%)
*Fact 6:*
Total States in the North – 19
Christian Dep Govs – 8 (42%)
Muslim Dep Govs – 11 (58%)
*Matter of Conscience:*
1. Which region has been more tolerant of religious diversity in the joint-ticket elections in Nigeria?
2. Which faith has been more tolerant of grossly lopsided joint tickets in Nigeria?
Why did obi pick a Muslim northerner as Vice… Ans. To attract votes not religious reason.
Why did Atiku pick Southern Okowa.. Is to get votes not because Okowa is christian.
Why did tinubu pick Shetima.. To attract votes.
They all are adopting different strategies to win the election. Simple.
If you won’t vote BAT/KASH don’t vote but don’t stoke religious intolerance it won’t do this country any good.
ME: with the above facts some brainwashed Christians especially from South still spread the islamization agenda propaganda.
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