Birth Control Questions: Getting the Correct Answers

When one decides to go on birth control, it is more than just a decision that affects their lives but rather a decision that affects the life a kid that would be born due to an unwanted pregnancy. If being a parent is not yet in your plans at the moment or if you’re not ready to be one, then I suggest you take this birth control thing rather seriously. There are a lot of birth control questions that keep popping out of your mind right now, right?

For those who are new in this area of birth control, it is often good to have questions ready to ask to your doctor or a reproductive health clinic. Being shy about things is not the best way to go. If you feel embarrassed to ask questions, you might be dealing with a more embarrassing situation in nine months or so, remember that. Better ask now or suffer the consequences later.

Natural Birth Control

Most of the more common questions that people ask about birth control include the following the kinds of birth control, the most effective, the possible side effects, and of course some myths and urban legends that have spread around like bush fire.

When choosing the right birth control method, it is good to first check your body’s general health and preferences. An important aspect of birth control being able to remember to take them as often as it is required. So if for instance you prefer taking birth control pills but you know you will forget about taking it in the mornings then another method might be better for you.

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Other issues include previous pregnancy experiences, issues concerning embarrassing your partner or yourself for that matter, the openness of your partner to the method, the risks of exposure to sexually transmitted diseases, and if there are other concerns or unanswered questions still associated with the method. These are some things that you need to consider when you are deciding which birth control method to use.

Some questions are hard to deal with, others are not, but to protect your health and prevent unwanted pregnancies, these are questions you will have to face eventually, and in this case, sooner is definitely better than later.

Twenty One Commandment of Long Life

In general birth control methods can be classified as a barrier, mechanical, hormonal, and natural. There are also the emergency and permanent categories. Regardless of the method, all kinds of birth control are aimed at preventing the sperm to reach and fertilize the egg or prevent them from moving to the woman’s womb and growing.

However, regardless of the method, no singular birth control method is 100% effective. Any claims by any medical company or producer of birth control methods are wrong and are thus unethical business practices. The same goes for preventing STDs. No birth control method can correctly say that it can fully prevent infections from STDs.

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And then, of course, there are the myths that you need to go over with your health officer for clarification. These myths began as gossip and spread and spread until they are accepted as truth while otherwise no proof has been provided supporting these claims. One such fallacy is the birth control pills and gaining weight.

Among the birth control questions, this is often asked: will I gain weight if I used birth control pills? The answer is no.

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