Birth Control Options

Types of Birth Control

Let’s talk about each of the types of Birth Control

• The first is the barrier method wherein the male or the female uses a condom to prevent the sperm from ever entering the female’s uterus. The male condom comes in many brands, colours and flavours and is usually made of latex rubber. This is placed over the penis when it is erect prior to intercourse.

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Diaphragm Birth Control

There are different types of birth control devices in the market today. Women who don’t want to use pills can use something called a diaphragm.

A diaphragm is a shallow, dome-shaped rubber disk with a flexible rim that fits nicely within the vagina as it is able to cover the cervix which prevents the sperm from ever reaching the uterus. It should be inserted prior to intercourse and covered with spermicide. The spermicide works by killing the sperm thus making it impossible to fertilize the egg.

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