

THE DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDERS. Yaum Laraba. twenty second day of Rajab. (Wednesday, twenty third February 2022). *_THE DAY OF RESURRECTION IS A FACT NOT THEORY_*. BismilLah.

The Day of Resurrection would be the Day when ALLAH’s attributes of Justice and Mercy can be in full manifestation. ALLAH will bathe His mercy on those that strived for HIS sake within the worldly life, believing that everlasting bliss was awaiting them. But those that abused the bounties of ALLAH, caring nothing for the life to come back, can be in probably the most depressing state. Drawing a comparability between them, the Quran says:
Then is he whom ALLAH have promised promise which he’ll meet [i.e. obtain] like he for whom ALLAH supplied enjoyment of worldly life [but] then he’s, on the Day of Resurrection, amongst these offered [for punishment in Hell]? (Quran, 28:61).
The Quran additionally states that this worldly life is a preparation for the everlasting life after loss of life. But those that deny it develop into slaves of their passions and wishes, making enjoyable of virtuous and God-conscious individuals.
Such individuals understand their folly solely on the time of their loss of life and want to be given an extra probability on the earth however in useless. Their depressing state on the time of loss of life, and the horror of the Day of Judgment, and the everlasting bliss assured to the honest believers are very clearly and superbly talked about within the following verses of the Quran:
[For such is the state of the disbelievers], till, when loss of life involves one in all them, he says, “My Lord, send me back that I might do righteousness in that which I left behind (i.e. in that which I neglected).” No! It is just a phrase he’s saying; and behind them is a barrier till the Day they’re resurrected. So when the Horn is blown, no relationship will there be amongst them that Day, nor will they ask about each other. And these whose scales are heavy [with good deeds] – it’s they who’re the profitable. But these whose scales are mild – these are those who’ve misplaced their souls, [being] in Hell, abiding eternally. The Fire will sear their faces, and so they therein can have taut smiles (i.e. their lips having been contracted by scorching till the tooth are uncovered). (Quran, 23:99-104).


The perception in life after loss of life not solely ensures success within the Hereafter but additionally makes this world filled with peace and happiness by making people most accountable and dutiful of their actions.

*_May ALLAH information our misguided kinfolk and buddies to Islam_*. Aameen.

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