Teach Children About Money, Savings and Dignity of Labour

My children always ask me for money to “hangout “. Last month, I gave them N10K to go and “hangout ” and when they came to request for another money this month, I sat them down and explained to them that the economy is hard, nevertheless that we are going to strike a deal. This deal they agreed to.


I told them that I am going to give them a holiday job which will pay them 10K a month. They were happy on hearing this. The next morning, i contacted one of their uncles who runs a big bookshop in town to employ them during their holiday. He accepted.

Paying on your Youngster’s College Funds


The next day, they started work. Oh! their first job experience. On getting to the bookshop, their job description was for them to be cleaning the book and the bookshelves. This they never found interesting. It was boring to them and tasking. But, they can’t reject the job. Big uncle is involved.


At the end of the month, 4 of them got their N10K salary each.

The next weekend, they came to me and said, “Daddy, please give us N10K we want to “hangout “. 

Politely, I asked them to go and use their new job’s salary (N10K) and hangout since they can afford it.



They replied, “Dad, if you knew what we suffered to get that N10K, you won’t ask us to spend it on just hangout. I smiled, and the case closed.


Moral of the Story:

Parents, teach your children about money even at a tender age.

Teach them about ‘Savings ‘. 

Teach them about dignity in labour.

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